What's in the Stars today, December 12?
Optimistic Mercury in Sagittarius today forms a positive aspect with Jupiter, the planet of abundance. News today either heralds gifts that are loaded on Santa's sledge or lead the way to joy...

Moon in Leo – Moon in Virgo
Worthy things don't come easy. So, keep on working towards them! The day begins with the fiery and creative Moon in Leo meeting restrictive Saturn in Scorpio; your need to do something you really want or which would make you proud is hampered by obstacles and delays. At 17:18 the Moon moves into earthy and practical Virgo and you feel that if you organise the things you want to do, it will make you feel less anxious and stressed. In the evening the Moon meets Venus and encourages an amorous finale to the day which bears the mark of real love.
Mercury trine Jupiter
On the sledge of joy! Optimistic Mercury in Sagittarius today forms a positive aspect with Jupiter, the planet of abundance. News today either heralds gifts that are loaded on Santa's sledge or lead the way to joy, love and happiness. Contacts or information that expand opportunities for travelling, fun and beautiful festive moments please you greatly!
Luck is particularly on your side today if you are Leo, Aries, Sagittarius or Aquarius, Libra, Gemini of the third decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you'll have a wonderful day if you bear in mind that a happy person is someone who carries on trying what they want without getting disappointed that it hasn't happened yet.