What's in the Stars today, December 23?

A simple smile and warm greetings with a genuine feeling of love can make this day positive and bring to your heart the true meaning of holidays – love!

Cluster of bodies in Capricorn

Don't be a Scrooge! With the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn - the sign related to political authority, those in power, rulers, leaders and presidents - you focus your attention to developments in politics. Professional matters and those linked to older people draw your attention while you often focus on shortages, obstacles and the material goods you are not able to provide. Pessimism and negativity bring with them an emotional stinginess and all that doesn't help you to feel better. So, don't allow financial difficulties and the tribulations of the times to put you down but let the Christmas spirit come closer. You don't need much! A simple smile and warm greetings with a genuine feeling of love can make this day positive and bring to your heart the true meaning of holidays – love!

Saturn in Sagittarius 23/12/2014 to 20/12/2017

From survival lessons to lessons in a good life! Saturn changes signs today. After two and a half years in Scorpio, at 18:33 it moves into the sign that is the house of Jupiter – Sagittarius. After a descend into the dark world of Scorpio where you received lessons on money management as well as on deep existential matters and emotional situations, you enter a period during which you prioritise, evaluate and judge or exploit matters linked to education and knowledge, law and justice, foreign countries and philosophy. The world has set as a target for you to learn, and set the foundations for the better life.

Luck is more on your side if you are Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus of the second and third decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a day full of happiness as long as you don't allow stress, the gloomy winter setting and the issues of the days to spoil the magic of Christmas and you give love to those around you.

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