What's in the Stars today, January 15?

The world is trying to tell you "You can take it! You've got to learn to rely on yourself and your strengths!"

What's in the Stars today, January 15?

Moon in Scorpio

Innermost secrets! This is a day of strong emotions, passion, tension, hard competition, deep heart felt confessions and strong desires. Your antennae catch signals that the brain cannot catch and circumstances stir powers you've had all along but were hidden in the deep recesses of your soul. Financial and love cases are characterised by urgency but also tenacity. Your investigative brain is awakened by queries and you dive into deep and forbidden territory.

Mars in Pisces square Saturn at 2º Sagittarius

Wrestling with refusals just as a ship wrestles the waves! Today don't expect parents, employers, people of authority or status to offer their support or recognise your efforts and the trouble you've gone through. This could be the reason for you to give up on something, to lose heart or to react coldly or harshly. Nevertheless, the world is trying to tell you "You can take it! You've got to learn to rely on yourself and your strengths!"

You are particularly influenced by the Mars – Saturn aspect if you are Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini or Virgo of the first days.

The key to success is yours today if you are Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the second and third decans.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a wonderful day as long as you don't give up because people refuse to support your dreams and desires. Remember Einstein's words "I'm thankful to all those who said no. It's because of them, I did it myself".

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