What's in the Stars today, January 16?

At 10 in the morning, the Moon moves into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius and although there haven't been any dramatic changes around you, you face life in a more positive way...

What's in the Stars today, January 16?

Moon in Scorpio void of course

Send the demons and the dragons away! The day begins charged, as yesterday's events and circumstances brought tension, sadness and negativity. In the morning the Moon forms no aspects; this enables you, irrespective of where you are and what you do, to focus on the things that can help you muster your strength and push away the things that wear you down. Do things that contribute to the revival and empowerment of your spirit!

Moon in Sagittarius

Just as a butterfly can't see its beautiful wings, the optimist may not be able to see the bliss he brings along, but other people do and seek some of it! At 10 in the morning, the Moon moves into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius and although there haven't been any dramatic changes around you, you face life in a more positive way, you look into daily tasks with a zen-like frame of mind and you try to get in touch with happy people that have to do with learning, travelling, entertainment and delight.

Aspects of the Moon

Exhausted but happy! Even so, the unfavourable aspects the Moon in Sagittarius forms with Saturn, Mars and Neptune during the day indicate that certain situations won't go the way you thought they would. Tiredness and a low stamina could cause delays, walkouts and withdrawals from activities, efforts and claims. Yet, a sense of optimism refuses to give up inside your self and your heart still beats just like a young child's.

You are favoured today if you are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo of the first decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great day provided you bear in mind that bliss doesn't mean that everything is perfect all the time but rather that you can see the positive prospects that every moment and experience bring!

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