What's in the Stars today, January 18?
With Venus in freedom-loving Aquarius in an applying opposition to excessive Jupiter, these days you go crazy when it comes to beauty, purchases, entertainment and love...

Moon in Sagittarius – Moon in Capricorn
Even an obligation can feel good! This Sunday starts with the bustling and cheerful Moon in Sagittarius which loves going out, having fun and partying. Yesterday's good mood continues until early in the afternoon with activities that help you have a good time and enjoy yourself. From 14:04 onwards, the Moon moves into the sign of duty and responsibility indicating that you are inclined to do things, even pleasant ones, because you have to, it's what people do, or because you've got a moral obligation. However, the sextile of the Moon with Neptune late in the evening shows that for all the things you do because you have to or because it's the right thing you will be eventually rewarded with a fuzzy feeling inside.
Venus in Aquarius in applying opposition to Jupiter at 19º Leo
Passionate, uncontrollable madness! With Venus in freedom-loving Aquarius in an applying opposition to excessive Jupiter, these days you go crazy when it comes to beauty, purchases, entertainment and love. In fact, you may feel so good that you may lose it. Completely? Well, it's up to you. Besides, the universe doesn't determine, it predisposes!
You are particularly influenced by the Venus – Jupiter opposition if you are Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio born at the end of the second decan or if your ascendant or other astrological markers are at 19º of the fixed cross.
You're lucky today if you are Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo and Pisces or Scorpio of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, delightful, sexy Sunday! Happy name day to Thanassis and Athanassia!