What's in the Stars today, January 19?
You will feel more powerful and stronger if you do something that serves a purpose or a goal, even more so if it offers you constant and lasting satisfaction...

Moon in Capricorn
Get involved in something that makes you feel that it's worth your while! The first working day of the week begins with gloom and negativity that could get too much at times, as is indicated by the unfavourable aspects that the Moon forms with Uranus and Pluto! You will however feel more powerful and stronger if you do something that serves a purpose or a goal, even more so if it offers you constant and lasting satisfaction.
Venus in Aquarius opposite retrograde transiting Jupiter at 19º Leo
You don't have to account to anyone for your actions and you're after wild pleasure! Venus in Aquarius loves surprises when it comes to love and relationships, pleasure and fun, gifts and purchases, beauty and adornment. Today, the planet's opposition with overabundant, no-limits-no-rules Jupiter makes surprises extremely ...extreme. On top of that, the retrograde motion brings a strong desire for partying as you used to do in the past. When it comes to love, you may revert to states of mad passion.
Mars in Pisces in an applying conjunction to Neptune at 5º
Looking for a way out, a better life! With the planet of action in the dreamy and idealistic sign of Pisces in an applying conjunction to Neptune, the planet of escape, the need to get away from a difficult and/or exhausting reality is very strong. Everything is possible. All you have to do is fight your fears and worries and try not to act recklessly or see things, people and circumstances through rose tinted spectacles. With a bit of faith, a positive outlook and a proactive attitude, your dreams can materialise!
You are more influenced by the Mars – Neptune aspect if you are Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio or Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn born at the beginning of the first decan.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a good, beautiful, magical and creative week!