What's in the Stars today, February 19?
Today the Sun moves into the water and sentimental sign of Pisces and therefore, until the 20th March you should focus your attention on all the things that can offer psychological and physical relief in any area of your life...

New Moon in Aquarius – Moon in Pisces
Intuitive changes aimed at relief! The main astrological even of the day is the New Moon. This is a special New Moon because like the previous month it takes place in Aquarius, which is governed by Uranus, a planet that loves freedom, renewal and changes. This time, the New Moon takes place at 29° and 59' of Aquarius indicating that February, just like January, is a month to open new roads and risk changes. Especially since the New Moon takes place at one tenth of zero degrees Pisces, it takes some of the character of the ruler of the sign – the dreamy and idealist Neptune – and therefore new beginnings are favoured which can offer liberation, elation and peace!
Sun in Pisces 19/2 – 20/3
Respite, healing and hope in the spotlight! Today the Sun moves into the water and sentimental sign of Pisces and therefore, until the 20th March you should focus your attention on all the things that can offer psychological and physical relief in any area of your life. In the forefront are artistic performances, spiritual and religious activities and contacts with healers, volunteers, sensitive and gifted people.
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Saturn at 4° Sagittarius
Have meaningful discussions and deal in earnest with novel and original ideas! Ingenious and sociable Mercury in Aquarius favours innovation in intellectual matters as well as team activities. In fact, the positive sextile the planet forms today with studious and conscientious Saturn favours suggestions and contacts towards their materialisation.
The Mercury – Saturn sextile influences you more if you are Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aries, Sagittarius of the first decan or if your Ascendant or other astrological elements between 1° and 7° of the above signs.
You're lucky today if you are Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus and Capricorn of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day full of joy and hope!