What's in the Stars today, March 2?

With Uranus in Aries you suddenly feel the need to explore a new world, new land in both love and work or in any area of your life for that matter...

What's in the Stars today, March 2?

Moon in Leo

Let's welcome all things good, positive and cheerful! With Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus as well as Venus and Mars in fire signs there is a boundless enthusiastic fiery energy in the astrological landscape. This is a time characterised by new beginnings, initiatives, actions and daring, confident and optimistic activities. On top of that, the passionate Moon in Leo emphasises this positive cosmic energy by boosting your deep determination for success and leading your creative power towards love, children, hobbies, sport, entertainment and all things that bring joy and cheerfulness into your life.

Retrograde Jupiter in Leo in applying trine to Uranus at 14° Aries

Your life suddenly changes thanks to positive developments! With Uranus in Aries you suddenly feel the need to explore a new world, new land in both love and work or in any area of your life for that matter. Retrograde Jupiter in Leo in a positive aspect to Uranus means that out of the blue you re-discover guiding stars in your life through people and events that give you strength, bring you gifts and provide the energy and creativity for happy and amazing changes in your life. Welcome them!
You are particularly influenced by the positive Jupiter – Uranus aspect if you are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries or Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or other astrological markers between 11° and 17° of these signs.

You are favoured today if you are Leo, Aries, Sagittarius of the first decan.

Have a good week! Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day full of positivity and optimism!

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