What's in the Stars today, March 21?
You are eager to overcome fears and challenges and take a step forward in love and work, and to do something you've never risked doing before in any area of your life...

Moon in Aries
The first day of spring! The best season of the year begins today with the Spring Equinox. The Moon is in the sign of new beginnings and the invincible drive for life, positive, bold, passionate and vigorous Aries, and both your mood and self-confidence grow. You are eager to overcome fears and challenges and take a step forward in love and work, and to do something you've never risked doing before in any area of your life.
Sun in Aries from 21/3 to 20/4
Welcome spring! Today at 00:45, as the Sun sets out once again on its annual journey through the 12 signs, it enters the first point of the zodiac – the leading, active and explosive, spring sign of Aries - and life on earth wakes up and permeates everything with its revitalizing energy. Nature warmly welcomes spring and you feel happier making a new beginning, allowing its power to inundate your life, the seeds of your desires to sprout and the buds of love to flower.
Mercury in Pisces in applying sextile to Pluto
Get ready for ideas, acquaintances, suggestions and journeys that will transform your life! Mercury, the planet of movement, thoughts and contacts, in the romantic, relaxing, healing and artistic sign of Pisces is in an applying positive aspect to profound, ingenious, transformative and imposing Pluto in the old-fashioned, down to earth and traditional earth sign of Capricorn. These days, as a result, discussions, examinations, research, mental work, travelling and contacts can offer you deep satisfaction and unlock the door that is going to change your life.
You are particularly influenced by the intense aspect between Mercury and Pluto if you are Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn of the second decan.
You are lucky today if you Aries, Leo, Sagittarius of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a very beautiful, lively and sexy, spring weekend!