What's in the Stars today, April 8?
From today, with Jupiter in direct course again, especially when it comes to hobbies, entertainment, children, creativity and love you won't just see omens of happiness, you'll see results.

Holy Wednesday
He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone at her
Moon in Scorpio – Moon in Sagittarius
Holy Wednesday! The day is dedicated to the sinful woman who believed in Jesus and anointed his feet with myrrh. The day begins with the Moon in Scorpio, the sign of major changes, and continues with the Moon transiting Sagittarius, the sign of fun and happiness. At 16:29 the Moon in cheerful Sagittarius meets restrictive and solemn Saturn indicating that you always feel gratitude and blessed in good times but you should do the same in tougher and challenging times as well.
Mercury conjunct Uranus and square Pluto
A sudden deluge of bad news! With Mercury, the planet of communication and travelling, in unfavourable aspects to heavy Uranus and Pluto, these days, on top of the mournful atmosphere of the Holy Week, alarming and unpleasant news intensify the sadness of this period. Remember that when it rains, all the birds take shelter but the eagle avoids the rain by flying over the clouds. People face the same problems but it's our approach to them that makes all the difference.
Jupiter in Leo turns direct
Time to take the big step towards happiness! Since 8th December 2014 when Jupiter, the planet of grace, was retrograde, you may have doubted whether the door to happiness would open again. From today though, with Jupiter in direct course again, you will begin to feel more confident that it will. Especially when it comes to hobbies, entertainment, children, creativity and love you won't just see omens of happiness, you'll see results. Grab the opportunities in the above areas and joy will be triumphant in your life.
You are favoured today if you are Sagittarius, Leo or Aries of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you an amazing day receiving the gift of blessings and joy!