What's in the Stars today, April 28?
Today, you will find happiness if you pursue productive ideas and methodical suggestions, pleasant outings and romantic acquaintances and contacts

There is no point arguing about the state of affairs. Happiness will be achieved by the way you choose to see them.
Moon in Virgo
The universe is sending you the message to have a reality check! Today the earthy and realistic Moon in Virgo meets restrictive Saturn and chaotic Neptune, and if you fixate on how you would like things to be or how they should be, you will get confused, hurt and disgruntled. The positive trine of the rational Moon in Virgo with the methodical Sun in Taurus, on the other hand, indicates that as long as you don't try to see things either as better or as worse than they are, you'll be able to make corrections or interventions and things will get better.
Mercury in Taurus
Create your own happiness by putting your most beautiful and powerful ideas into good use! With Mercury as the ruler of today's Moon, the way you think and the way you communicate with others will play a major part in the developments of the day. The presence of Mercury in Taurus shows that extreme and rigid views about people and events will give food to negative circumstances. On the contrary, you will find happiness if you pursue productive ideas and methodical suggestions, pleasant outings and romantic acquaintances and contacts.
You're lucky today if you are Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a great Tuesday where you can organise your thoughts, things and circumstances. Take advantage of the opportunities the day offers for health, wellbeing and joy!