What's in the Stars today, May 2?
With the Moon trine Venus, put on your bright lippy and smile and get ready to welcome joy, beauty, kisses and cuddling. They all make the beautiful bouquet of happiness the day has for you

Allow the fragrance of positive energy to linger wherever you go. Have a good weekend!
Moon in Libra
Let the wonderful aroma of your personality envelop the day's atmosphere! Today, with the Moon in the light, pleasant and positive sign of Libra, anything heavy and dark is removed from your space and wardrobe and from your mood as well. Meanwhile, with the Moon trine Venus, love beckons and lures you to surrender yourself to its magical fluttering and calling. Put on your bright lippy and smile and get ready to welcome joy, beauty, kisses and cuddling. They all make the beautiful bouquet of happiness the day has for you.
Mercury in Gemini opposite retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius
No need to rush! The fastest way will not lead to success. These days there will be concerns in relation to ideas and meetings, journeys, intellectual pursuits and documents of all kinds. Developments are very fast and in your quest for immediate results there could be problems, delays and disappointments. Bear in mind that a shallow approach will not bring the recognition, sanction or results you are after. It's possible that there will be issues that you are not aware of or which need reviewing when it comes to your career and authority. Take your time, think out of the box, and show reliability and respect.
The Mercury – Saturn aspect influences you more if you are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces of the first decan.
You are favoured today if you are Libra, Aquarius or Gemini of the third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, passionate and pleasant weekend!