What's in the Stars today, May 14?
At 08:13 the Moon enters the active sign of Aries and the beat of the day gets stronger. Start something new, take risks, flirt and be confident in whatever you do...

If you don't know which path to take, you can cut your own
Moon in Pisces – Moon waning in Aries
Set your priorities and stick to them! The day begins with the water Moon in Pisces helping dreams, emotions, sounds, pictures and desires to moor to the shores of your soul so that you can find peace, inspiration and gather your strength. At 08:13 the Moon enters the active sign of Aries and the beat of the day gets stronger overflowing with energy. Start something new, take risks, flirt and be confident in whatever you do. Meanwhile, the waning Moon allows you to speed up the pace in every area, for instance at work or while working out, with the ultimate goal though to reduce something (workload, outstanding issues, contacts, or weight).
Mars in Gemini in applying opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius
When you say 'yes' to a lot of things, make sure you don't deny yourself some free time! These days you see your energy being divided up into many and various projects, and as a result you may feel exhausted or under pressure to cope with your responsibilities and duties. You may decide to put an end to some activities or circumstances may force you to limit your actions in an area of your life. It's possible that your energy levels are quite low and you will have to stay in bed or spend some time partly or fully inactive. Look after your health!
The restrictive aspect between Mars and Saturn affects you more if you are Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, or Virgo of the first decan. Also, if your Ascendant or any planets are between 0° and 5° of the mutable signs.
You are favoured today if you are Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day where you can make good use of your energy and actions.