What's in the Stars today, May 15?
These days you have the magic gift to change your circumstances regarding money, love and your relationships...

The potential of a dream to come true is what makes life interesting
Moon in Aries
At full throttle! Early in the morning the extrovert and active Moon in Aries meets Jupiter boosting your optimism in whatever you do and increasing the chances for success. Later, the unfavourable aspects it forms with Neptune and Uranus makes the mood explosive and brings tensions in the work environment and in relationships. Keep your anger and ego under control and take advantage of the fiery energy of today's Moon to raise the heat in your love life.
Mars in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius
If you go for too much, you may end up losing everything! These days if you've put your energy into too many projects simultaneously, you may realise that you could lose something precious or maybe suffer damage in some area. You may decide to stop an activity to focus on something else. You may be concerned about transport, your vehicle or travelling, as well as intellectual activities. Avoid action that can restrict or cause problems in your movement. You are particularly influenced by the Mars – Saturn aspect if you are Gemini, Pisces, Virgo or Sagittarius of the first decan.
Venus in Cancer in applying trine to Neptune
Sailing on the boat of happiness! These days you have the magic gift to change your circumstances regarding money, love and your relationships. At the same time, a dream of yours regarding your home, your space or your family may come true while you will be able to enjoy beautiful and peaceful moments that will be indelibly printed on your memory.
You are influenced more by the delightful Venus – Neptune aspect if you are Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio of the first decan.
You are lucky today if you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you an exceptionally beautiful and pleasant day!