What's in the Stars today, June 9?
The point is not what happens in the world but what happens with yourself. Invisible but inevitable battles take place inside you in a quest for faith, strength, love and understanding...

Faith and love are both invisible, and yet they make things happen
Moon in Pisces
Contemplate on the day from a different perspective and grasp the messages and the pulse of both things said and unsaid! The day has a lot of haziness, absent-mindedness, surreal situations, contradictory messages as well as dilemmas and outbursts as shown by the Moon's difficult aspects with the Sun and Mars. However, as the sextile with Pluto shows, the point is not what happens in the world but what happens with yourself. Invisible but inevitable battles take place inside you in a quest for faith, strength, love and understanding. You can take advantage of your insight of the lessons learnt from external events to find the way that takes you closer to your dreams.
Sun sextile Jupiter and Mars sextile Uranus
Pleasant and unexpected developments! With the Sun and Mars in Gemini, these days the good communication you have with your partner, a friend, an acquaintance or someone else will enable you to open the door to something that will bring you great joy. Remember that in order to achieve something exceptionally big for you these days, you don't have to be a genius. Just put your ideas into good use, get in touch with other people and, above all, show courage. Behind every success story there is someone who took a bold step.
The remarkably favourable influence of these aspects is particularly helpful if you are Gemini, Aquarius or Aries, Leo and Sagittarius of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 14º and 21º of these signs.
You are favoured today if you are Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day full of smiles, love and happiness!