What's in the Stars today, June 16?

Bring some colour, laughter and joy to your life and create or adapt to new conditions for a more comfortable, carefree, cheerful and happy time in your life

Life is 10% things that happen to you and 90% how you see them.

New Moon in Gemini

Smart people change their minds – fools don't! A new lunar cycle begins today with the New Moon at 25º Gemini. The air and mutable nature of the sign stresses the need for changes in your thinking and the way you approach things, and it also points to the necessity for fresh ideas and a general renewal. Make changes in your work, home, daily life and track new roads in love and your relationships. Bring some colour, laughter and joy to your life and create or adapt to new conditions for a more comfortable, carefree, cheerful and happy time in your life.

Aspects of the Moon

Learn new things, meet new people, flirt, have fun but give your mind an outlet so it doesn't burn! The positive aspects of the sociable Gemini Moon with Jupiter and Uranus present opportunities to increase your social network and your professional or friendly contacts while the conjunction with spirited Mars in Gemini indicates that today what matters in love is not to lose your mind over someone but to win someone with your brain. At the same time, your nervous system is overloaded with concerns and a frantic pace. You've got to give yourself a creative outlet so that you can release stress and anxiety, otherwise there will be outbursts and tension.

You are lucky today if you are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius of the third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a day full of zest, positivity and fresh energy!

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