What's in the Stars today, June 23?

Even the smallest step can turn into a great success, so be daring, don't listen to your fears, and the world will offer you amazing opportunities and unique possibilities.

What's in the Stars today, June 23?

Never sacrifice your dreams for the cause of reality. Paint them in many colours and call them 'Hopes'.

Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus in Aries

Seize every opportunity for a wonderful life that presents itself! These days the world gives you the opportunity to achieve your big dreams and enjoy an utterly exciting life! A simple phone call, an e-mail, a search on the Internet, or a cup of coffee with a friend have the power to open doors for you that you hadn't imagined in your wildest dreams. Even the smallest step can turn into a great success, so be daring, don't listen to your fears, and the world will offer you amazing opportunities and unique possibilities.
You are particularly influenced by the exceptionally favourable combination of Jupiter – Uranus if you are Leo, Aries or Sagittarius.

Moon in Virgo

You are in a desperate need for order! With the Moon in the practical sign of Virgo today, you are able to better see where there is chaos, what doesn't work in your relationships or the imperfections of your work. So look for ways to make improvements and make your life and your daily routine better, without seeking perfection though because it simply doesn't exist. Finally, be aware of your tendency to be judgemental. It's like carrying two sacks around your neck. The one in the front has other people's faults and the one at the back is full of yours; you can't see your own but you can always see and judge others.

You are lucky today if you are Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn of the third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day. Don't allow the invisible cloak of confusion to trap you. Instead, find the time to contemplate and laugh – the first is the source of power and the second is the music of the soul.

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