What's in the Stars today, July 25?
This is a perfect day to dedicate your time to people or situations that can change your life

Moon in Scorpio
Wherever you are, be there wholeheartedly!
This is a day of re-boot with the early morning Moon sextile Pluto giving you the extra strength to put an end to anything that doesn't prioritise at least your emotional wellbeing. In the evening, the Moon forms a positive aspect with Mars indicating that in love and in everything else you are attracted by substance not by appearances, just like moths are attracted toy light. This is a perfect day to dedicate your time to people or situations that can change your life, as the world will somehow find the way to make things happen just because they are meant to be.
Mars in Cancer square Uranus at 20º Aries
Few people are made to be independent – it seems to be a privilege of strong people!
There will be things you can't swallow easily and you may show your dissatisfaction in loud terms. Elimination is the preferred technique, so you will want to take people and circumstances that feed you with negative energy out of your life and prepare the ground for new ideas and progress. You should be cautious with how you do it. Expect clashes, disagreement, "cracks and breakages" in your professional and family life as well as in general.
The Mars – Uranus aspect affects you more powerfully if you are Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn and you were born either at the end of the second decan or at the beginning of the third.
Venus retrograde from 25/7 to 6/9
You only live once! But do you get a second chance?
On the 19th July, Venus, the planet linked to money and love, entered the pragmatic sign of Virgo urging you to sort out these areas of your life. Are you happy with what you've done about it? Yes? No? Maybe? Maybe you need a bit more time to decide. That's what the stars reckon anyway, and Venus turns retrograde until the 6th September so that you can review situations that have to do with your money and your love life. Expect rapprochements and re-assessments in your relationships.
You are favoured today if you are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a pleasant, and very hot summer weekend!