What's in the Stars today, July 29?

Do things passionately or don't do them at all.

Moon in Capricorn

Appreciation, respect, acceptance!
The day begins with the Moon in Capricorn drawing your attention to things or people that you consider important or prominent. You will have the opportunity to express your appreciation towards a certain person or to acknowledge their contribution and vice versa. Appreciation and recognition are not just positive feelings to be expressed but also the materials to build happier relationships and to improve productivity at work. So, thank your mother for looking after your children, your partner for helping around the house or your colleague for helping out at work. Even better, show your appreciation with your attitude and actions.

Aspects of the Moon

Does time seem to drag?
The day is full of tasks and commitments and there is not a lot of time left for yourself. The positive aspect the Moon forms with Neptune shows that if you use your time wisely doing something you like, you will feel an inner surge of joy and peace. In the evening, the Moon meets Pluto and now you should listen to your heart and either do things passionately or don't do them at all.

Luck is particularly on your side today if you are Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus of the first and second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a uniquely wonderful Wednesday full of joy and happiness!

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