What's in the Stars today, August 5?
Being yourself in a world that is constantly trying to turn you into something else, is the greatest achievement.

Moon in Aries
Speed, energy, tension!
A wild day when everything happens in a fast, animated, dynamic and passionate way. You shouldn't get involved in activities that take patience and time. Give your energy to whatever gives you strength, enthusiasm and passion. Do the things that allow you, in these trying times, to move on feeling good about yourself.
Venus in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio
Don't be afraid to walk alone!
Don't expect others to always be good, positive and supportive. There will be times they will be distant and find it hard to understand you – not necessarily that they want it to be this way, but that will be the reality of things. So if you feel lonely, it doesn't mean that nobody cares about you, but that you should care more about yourself. If you choose to be miserable, nobody in the world can make you happy, but if you focus your energy on being happy, nobody in the world can take away your happiness. Avoid financial agreements and important purchases.
Venus in Leo conjunct Jupiter
We are rich when we give respect to ourselves respect, our hearts to our friends, forgiveness to our enemies and Love to everybody!
These days favour courtship, joy and entertainment even if life has been hard or you don't have enough material goods. The wealth you earn through good music, theatre, literature and beautiful people is priceless. Give your time to things that make your life more beautiful and good fortune will find a way to smile at you even through hardship.
You are lucky today if you are Leo, Sagittarius or Aries of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day and don't forget that love always finds a way.