What's in the Stars today, August 25?

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Make focused plans; be thorough in your preparations!

Moon in Capricorn

Politics, career prospects and issues that call for order and organisation may not be directly associated with holidays and summertime, yet they become an issue today. Your soul wants to get organised to make important decisions without being rushed, but using prudence, logic and realism. Try not to waste your precious energy worrying about trivial matters, and make sure you dedicate enough time to look into issues whose course will define the course of your life, or at least, they are important for the next few years. See how you can set your plans into action when you get back from holidays and let your actions do the talking.

Mercury in Virgo in applying sextile to Saturn in Scorpio

Brevity is the soul of wit!

These days grand and vacuous statements don’t stand a chance. Moderation, substance and tangible proof is what is needed. Therefore, even small statements or gestures can achieve great things, as long as they are meaningful. Your speech should be brief with succinct messages. Take heed of the advice of specialists, experienced and older people. Think seriously, act in a pragmatic way and focus on realistic solutions and choices. This is the perfect time for decisions regarding your emotions, tax or financial settlements and any issues that are important to you and call for the right judgement.

The favourable aspect of Mercury and Saturn affects you more if you are Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus or Cancer of the third decan.

You’re favoured today if you are Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day when you can prop up the ladder of success for any part of your life against something solid and stable!

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