What's in the Stars today, September 1?
September is only a small summer. Enjoy its sweet days ready with your arrows of love. Have a good month!

Moon in Aries
Welcome the new season eagerly, lively and with a big smile!
A new month and a new 'season' of life begins today. You become very impatient as you want to rapidly and dynamically immerse yourself in the climate of work, daily routine and of your new targets or of the new circumstances that either you will come across or have already arisen. The crucial thing is that you tune your mood to the new facts, your new reality and then focus your energy on the things that interest you or awaken your desire for action, love, movement and life.
Sun in Virgo opposite retrograde Neptune in Pisces
When things go wrong, you don't have to follow them!
The delusive opposition between the Sun and Neptune reaches its peak today indicating that you shouldn't rule out betrayal or hypocrisy while uncertainty regarding the progress of a case can suck your energy. Focus your attention on the things that give you mental and physical respite or can help you reclaim the power of your mind. Don't jump to conclusions about the outcome of situations. You may be wrong. Leave important decisions for later!
The hazy Sun – Neptune aspect affects you more if you are Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini or Virgo of the first decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 5º and 11º of mutable signs.
Retrograde Venus conjunct Mars in Leo
Vote for love and endless nights because no matter the season, desire always brings summer!
The sexy aspect of Venus with Mars turns on the loving game for real! You can't wait to bring some heat back in your bedroom, and your current, former or potential partner responds favourably to your 'hot' mood. Be confident, daring and enjoy moments of hot passion. Reunion with a sex partner, but also more jealousy and infidelity.
Your love life will be particularly active if you are Leo, Sagittarius or Aries of the second decan.
You're favoured today if you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a good month full of good health, prosperity, love and happiness!