What's in the Stars today, September 8?

Have faith in life – it knows what it's doing. It knows what to give and what to take. All you need to do is understand the message it's sending you with its actions. Don't regret anything ever, apart from inaction!

What's in the Stars today, September 8?

Moon in Cancer

The more you bottle your feelings up, the more powerful they become!

If you still carry things that hurt you in the past and you haven't been able to leave behind, today the circumstances may cause tremors inside you. Be fully aware of your emotions but don't bottle things up and find a healthy outlet for your pain and anger. You'll be feeling better soon. At the same time, when it comes to relationships, courtship, work, daily routine or whatever it is you're grappling with today, it doesn't matter if it's small or large, as long as it touches your heart.

Mars in Leo trine Uranus in Aries

A first time leaves its mark on our mind for the rest of our lives.

Try something completely new! If you are one of those people fed up with the routine of daily life, the compromises in relationships and with being trapped in their comfort zone in their profession, then you are one of those who search the universe for a unique and exciting experience. Embrace something new, strange and different in love and work but in any area as well. Do something for the first time, take risks, follow a new road, try a new method. You'll be amazed by their unique beauty and grace.

Mercury in Libra in applying square to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn

Whatever life brings to you, even if it hurts, be strong and face it!

These days expect the re-surfacing of problems that have their roots in the past and which you consider very important for the outcome in an area of your life that has been going downhill for a while, and a new beginning, although necessary, may frighten you or maybe it's too difficult. If you attempt to force someone's cooperation or if you insist on something that will bring harmony to you but the others are not interested in, there could be tension, drama and worries. A closure may be inevitable, and bad news is part of the times. If you receive negative messages, consider them a sign of the need for a radical change. You can do it. You'll learn, you'll grow and move on. You are particularly influenced if you are Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Aries of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 10º and 16º of the cardinal signs.

You are lucky today if you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces of the second and third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a special Tuesday where you embrace change and remember that strong walls tremble but do not fall.

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