What's in the Stars today, September 13?

Dream, set goals, believe and make them Real!

Solar Eclipse at 20º Virgo

Your thoughts become words, your words become actions, your actions become habits, your habits become your personality, your personality becomes your destiny.

The major astrological event of the day is the Solar Eclipse in practical and logical Virgo, which is here to remind you that besides abstract life, the one you have in the realm of your beautiful dreams and hopes, there is also tangible life. This is the one you should be concentrating on now. In fact, it's very likely that while you've been musing in the world of imagination, love and heavenly visions, an internal turmoil has quietly found its place next to you, looking for a way to bring you down to earth. This is because your soul has been pushing for a way to bring your dreams into reality. Is this possible? What does a reality check show? What do you need to organise? What practical steps do you need to take? Or, what improvements are necessary before you can realise your dreams? Invest time so that consciously, without delusions, but tangibly and with hard work and effort you can materialise your dreams, your hopes or wishes.

Venus and Mars in Leo

Don't forget to have a good time! To have fun. To laugh. To play. To cherish life's blessings!

Due to the presence of the Sun in Virgo, for the largest part of September you are probably stressed to some extent as the return from the beach is completed and you now realise that schools have started, expenses accumulate, national election day is getting closer and your daily life has to adopt to a new, more sensible and hectic pace. Work, productivity and constraint try hard to draw your attention. Yeah, right! Don't forget that besides the earth energy that dominates the universe, there is also the fire energy. As a result, expect love, cheerfulness, optimism, fun! Let your mind take the day off, remove stress from your emotions and replace it with joy! It will lower stress levels, it will generously offer you happiness and, in case you didn't know, it will increase your productivity at work. Cinema, concerts, theatre, bars, stadiums and flirting await. Have a great time! Without your laptop, it goes without saying. Their positive and fiery influence is enormous, especially if you are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius of the second and third decan.

You are lucky today if you are Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn of the third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful, pleasant and utterly exiting Sunday!

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