What's in the Stars today, September 18?

Even when all riches and kingdoms are lost, it means nothing as long as the soul remains strong and upright.

Moon in Scorpio

Pulsating with intense power, assertiveness and transformation.

Today your soul lays down its pain, sorrow and concerns alongside its joy, hopes and desires triggered by events and situations that will affect your deepest emotions, and by experiences that turn into lessons which will exert strong influence on the core of your self. At the same time, deep satisfaction can bring a total connection with a person, a process or situation while the insecurity and fear that you may lose something that gives you a feeling of security or satisfaction may push you to express jealousy, stalking, strong demands or revenge. Where's the benefit though if you win the whole world but hurt your soul? Above all you should protect and honour your most precious gem – your soul.

Saturn in Sagittarius from 18/9/2015 to 20/12/2017

Pay attention to things related to education, law and ethics.

The planet of knowledge, experience and sobriety, today enters Sagittarius where it will stay for more than two years. The sign is linked to education, justice and all tings related to foreign countries (e.g. national debt, tourism, trade, foreign exchange) indicating that in these areas there is no room for thoughtless moves, you've got to act according to a plan and rules. Remember that you live and learn and realise that evens or decisions you've made are causing you problems in these areas. Gain a wide perspective about what's happening around you in connection with these parts of your life. There's no point to self-pity when faced with challenges. Deal with them in a realistic way.

Luck is particularly on your side today if you are Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces of the second and third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful Friday where you are able to stay away from anything that wears you down and tune into with thigs that elevate you spiritually.

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