What's in the Stars today, September 21?

When you wake up in the morning think of how privileged you are to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love!!! Have a good week.

What's in the Stars today, September 21?

Moon in Sagittarius

Open the door to communication, turn on the lights of knowledge and take the long view.

On the eve of the new week, what you need is to get in touch with people, talk to them, change your perspective on a plethora of issues that dominate your life, to ask yourself what’s right and wrong, but also to feel more positive, to play jokes, to go out and about and feel your mind lighter and more optimistic. Get informed, learn, exercise, move, show enthusiasm for a new love interest, get out of the office or the house, spend time away from your daily chores or responsibilities, face mishaps with a good sense of humour, laugh and the wind of joy and enthusiasm will invigorate you.

Moon in Capricorn

Time is the currency of your life. It’s the only currency you have and only you can decide how to spend it. Make sure you don’t allow others to spend it for you.

Just after 15:30, the Moon enters the solitary, earth sign of Capricorn. Your soul doesn’t need movement, communication and action anymore, but yearns for things that help it get organised, develop a strategy and focus on its targets. Hone your attention in on a subject, deal with more practical issues, be more productive and move from theory to action in your affairs. See what went well and what didn’t, reflect on recent events and the process will enable you to formulate a clear awareness of where you are now and where you want to go. Finally, in the evening and after the hours you will have spent communicating with others, it will do you good to disconnect from social networks, and either have some quality time with your loved ones or have a good time alone. Time will provide all the answers you need without even you having to ask the questions.

You are lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Aries and Leo of the last days or Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus born at the beginning of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful week full of optimism and joy!

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